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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Speed of computer

If you feel your computer has become slower than it was, then it may be facing a problem. Try this, it may solve the problem. Before going to the solution of the problem, let's understand the problem first.

Whatever work we do on computer, we save it in different types of files. After saving the file, whenever we reopen it and save again after changing its content. When we edit a file. its size varies. may be more or less than original size. If the file-size is smaller than the previous, then the given space for the file remains partly blank as the new file size can not occupy the full space. When we create a new file, the computer utilizes such small spaces to store new file.

If the edited file bigger than the file can not be stored fully on the same space computer divides into parts, one of which is saved on the space and other parts are saved somewhere on the hard disk.

Thus any file may be saved in parts or technically known as fragments. When we open a file, different parts of the file are searched and collected together and then displayed on our screen. It takes time to collect the information and display, though in fractions of second.

So now you know, if we can put all parts of a file together, then we can speed up the computer. To put then together or defragment files. Fortunately with Windows, you get the software to defragment.

To defragment follow the procedure below :

Go to : Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> System Tools >> Disk Defragmenter

Select the hard disk drives like C or D and click defragment.

Hopefully speed of computer will increase.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tend to think of a badly fragmented and cluttered drive as a messy closet or desk where it takes double the time to find anything. In terms of its silent and prolific growth its like a disease which starts off harmlessly to aggaravte into serious problems like freezes, slowdowns and potential disk crashes.