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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Google Search Tips

When you search anything in Google, you get many sites. But sometime it happens most of the sites are irrelevant. So to search specifically, few tips are given below, which may be useful to you. May be you may know some tips, but you will find some tips which you don't know.

For simplicity and easily understanding what you should type in search box we have given quotes, but you have to type without quotes, unless indicated.

  • To find one word or another or both use operator OR use the "|" pipe symbol (Shift + backslash). e.g. To find share or stock type "Share OR Stock" or "Share | Stock"
  • When you use a "+" sign, the result will definitely contain the word, when "-" sign is used, the results will omit the word and when "~" is used the result will include synonyms of the word. e.g. "+stock tips" will include pages with word stock then it may not show you beauty tips. "stock tips -share", this will show you pages with word stock or tips but not with word share. "~stock tips" will show you pages that contain stock or share (synonym of stock) or tips. If you want to search pages with all the terms in a phrase then put the phrase in quotes. e.g. "Stock tips" (with the quotes) will show you pages with both the words stock and tips.
  • To search pages with words private or privacy, you may type "priva*", so that it will show you pages with words including "priva".
  • Use Google as calculator and it is faster than opening calculator from your computer. Use +, -, * , / and parentheses to do simple calculation. e.g. just type 25*5 in the search box to get 25 X 5 = 125.
  • Use Google as converter of units or currencies. e.g. type "10 meters in feet" in search box or type "80 INR in US $" to get the conversion.
  • You can search any page including number in a range. To search "best books 2006..2008" will show you pages with best books in years 2006 or 2007 or 2008.
  • To search any term within a particular site then type type "site:" followed by URL and the term. To find term computer in "" type "Site: Computer" in the search box.
  • To find a particular file type like word document, excel worksheet, pdf files, type "filetype: pdf" will show you only files with extension pdf.
  • To get time of any city say New York type "time New York" in search box.
  • To know weather of a city say Mumbai, type "Mumbai weather" in search box.
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