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Friday, May 9, 2008

Font Tricks

Do you know that you can type special characters like , , ♣, ♠, ☺, ☻ etc, and you can format them as we format any fonts i.e. you may change their colour, size etc.

If you think that it may be difficult to type or special knowledge is required than you are wrong. When you combine both characters and special characters tactfully, you will get fantastic results.

To type special characters is very simple. Press Alt key on the keyboard and then type a number of 1 to 3 digits and then release the Alt key, you will get a special character. e.g. to type a heart ( ♥ )press Alt and type 3 and release Alt key. This can be done in word, excel etc.

For your reference the required number to type a special character is given next to it.

☺- 1
☻- 2
♥ - 3
♦ - 4
♣ - 5
♠ - 6
» - 175
« - 174
░ - 432
▒ - 433
▓ - 434
█ - 475
Ω - 490
╬ - 206

Tip : Similar special characters will have the next or previous number like 174 and 175 above.

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