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Saturday, April 5, 2008

Doctors : Are you so cheap ?

  • An income-tax officer takes money from you even if your accounts are complete and perfect.
  • A car mechanic advices you to replace a part in your car which is not damaged.
  • A mobile company charging you for the calls you have not made.
  • A doctor takes money or sponsored foreign trips with family from pharmacy companies to prescribe non-standard medicines to you.

In all the instances above, everything is a cheating, but in the first 3 instances, it costs you money only and not your life. But in the doctor's case it costs your and / or your family members including the kids. Please let me be clear, I do not support anyone from the above instances, but can forgive others but not doctors.

We respect our family doctors and trust them. And the circle starts from there only. It's a common system that the family doctor asks to take some reports and gives a paper with the doctor's name and which reports are supposed to be taken. The doctor gets commission for giving clients to the laboratory. And it is acceptable as it costs us money only. But on the reports the doctor (Family doctor on specialist) prescribe us medicines which may not be needed or may not be useful to cure our disease.

On an average every family doctor checks about 100 patients daily charging about 50 Rs each aggregating Rs. 5000 a day. The specialists checks less patients but charges Rs. 300 - 1000 per patient. Do they need to get gifts or sponsored trips ? No, i don't think so. They can afford as the income itself is good enough.

Someone (preferably doctor) may argue that their study is so expensive, they have to do so. I agree. But they are earning approximately minimum 10000 per day. Those surgeons takes 1-1.50 lac for complex surgery and if the hospital pays him just 30 % it comes to 30-50 thousand per surgery.

The pharma companies know their products are not so useful and so they follow such tricks. if they are confident about their product, then send a representative to doctors and explain the chemical structure of medicine and how it will be useful in a particular disease.

Study shows that only 1 % of medicines available in market are actually needed, others are not useful or not needed.

In Jain philosophy, killing the smallest insects is not allowed, Jain doctors are killing humans. Many NGOs fight for saving animals. It is also necessary. But none of the NGOs, as far as I know is working for this. In my opinion, doctors are law-obeying persons. If the Government takes strict steps, most of the doctors may stop accepting gifts from the pharma companies. But our ministers are more corrupted.

One more act where doctors are sinfully involved is sex determination and killing the female infant in the womb. If doctors stop doing sex determination then killing will be stopped automatically.

I do not say every doctor is involved in both acts as mentioned above. But there are lot of. i, hereby appeal to the doctors to stop such activities. I know the whole system will go on, but if few doctors can withdraw themselves, even then it is OKAY. I hope this at least from Jain doctors.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the world, we may not like many things. But we have to compromise with the things. But morally doctors involved, may think to change themselves. But I am not so optimistic.