- Yesterday it happened in Bangalore. After the blasts, most of the cities were put on high alert. Even then they succeed to plant bombs.
- Today it happened in Ahmedabad. 7 blasts rocked Ahmedabad. Though Ahmedabad is not capital of Gujarat, but it is just 25 kms away from the capital, Gandhi Nagar.
- The blasts took place at Mani Nagar Chowk, Sardar Patel (Diamond Market), Saranpur Bridge, Isanpur, Raipur Gate, Mani Nagar bus stand, Hatkeshwar Chowk.
- 6 died, more than 50 injured.
- Red alert declared in Gujarat, Mumbai (Maharashtra), Rajasthan.
- In Mumbai, Siddhi Vinayak Temple is on target list.
- Indian Mujjahuddin group has sent an Email to a TV channel in the afternoon.
- Shaqil Mohammed considered this as a failure of Gujarat State. ( Within 35 minutes from the first blast, he tried to play politics. May I ask does he have any plan to stop this. - It can't be. There are lot of ways to plant bombs. There are crores of people in India, how one can estimate which will be their next target and which way they will plant the bomb.)
- First blast took place at 5: 45 PM
- After 45 minutes from the first blasts, police couldn't reach the place of blast.
- What type of red alert is this ????????
- Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat has called an emergency meeting.
- News now says, total blasts are 8. Though one channel claims there are 14 places where blasts took place.
- Mobile networks jammed.
- One of the bomb was kept on a cycle.
- Manmohan Singh won the vote of trust on 22-07-2008, on 24-07-2008 - 9 blasts took place at Bangalore, 25-07-2008 8 blasts at Ahmedabad.
- Central government confirms 14 blasts at 8 places.
- Blast figure goes to 15.
- Is this the highest number of blasts at a city on 1 day ?
- What people think about this : (A Sample) - it is all because of nuc deal Muslim country don't want India become closer to America ( a comment on Rediff.com)
- On 29-07-2009, 17 bombs found in Surat, which were defused, all of them were of low intensity, most of them were found on Varachhaa Road.
- One bomb was kept on a tree. I surprise, how and when it was kept, nobody saw anybody putting the bomb. Actually it is abnormal. People must have noticed him. But what generally people think "WHAT WE HAVE TO DO ? "
- All the bombs found in Surat and the ones which were used in blasts at Ahmedabad were wrapped in Gujarati news papers of 06, 13, 27 June 2008 and papers were published from Vadodara. Police has put a theory that the raw materials used for manufacturing bombs were sent from Mumbai to Vadodara and finally produced bombs were packed in Vadodara and were sent to Ahmedabad.
- Planning of making bombs and planting them at Ahmedabad was more than a month old (The papers suggest so), what the police's reporters were doing ?
- Pakistan has started firing, does it have any connection with this ? And if yes, Manmohan Singh has the reason to attack Pakistan.
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Dear JS,
whatever may be the reason for blast, but it is not good for anyone...
Dear Shrawan,
No one will think this is good except the terrorists.
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