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Monday, May 5, 2008

Picture Gallery

The construction of the world's longest cross-sea bridge, the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, will be finished next year and opened to traffic in June 2008.

The 36km-long bridge will shorten the travel distance between Ningbo in Zhejiang Province and Shanghai by over 120 kilometers, expediting economic integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

The all solid fuel missile Agni - 3 was tested at 9:56 AM from the Inner Wheeler Island at Dhamra, a launch site in Bhadrak district, about 200 km from Bhubaneshwar, capital of Orissa.

Jaipur Blasts in May 2008.

Suspect 1 : Sketch released by Jaipur Police

More suspects' sketches released by Jaipur Police.

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