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Monday, January 5, 2009

Oxygen Spa

"In Kaliyug humans have to pay for water and Air". It is true nowadays. We pay Rs. 10 to Rs.15 for mineral water as all we know. But do you know ? For fresh intake of oxygen, we have to pay money. Now air at hill stations is not so pure.

The first oxygen bar in Mumbai is at Dadar, a suburb of Mumbai. "Breadth O2" is run by Dr. Paras and his wife Dr. Bhavna Punamiya. The charges are Rs. 10 per minute. In our body oxygen acts as an anti-toxic and removes toxic effects of wine, coffee or chemicals mixed in our daily diet. Not only sick persons, sportspersons, artists, company executives, businessmen etc. can take benefits of the bar.

Common Lifestyles:

Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, unrelieved stress, shallow breathing of polluted air. These common lifestyles lead too many conditions of our modern society; low energy, frequent illness, and poor health. The Oxygen Spa can help. Intake of oxygen at oxygen spa; oxygenates and detoxifies the whole body. In a single, relaxing, 30-minute session, your body will be cleansed and energized. You will be placed in a relaxing aroma-therapeutic steam bath that warms your skin and opens skin pores. Pure, high-density oxygen will be diffused into the steam and through your skin, bathing your tissues and cells with a rich bath of pure oxygen. The O2 spa bath is a steam therapy cabinet utilizing steam filtered water and oxygen/ozone enrich air designed for individual use. O2 Spa bath increases oxygen uptake in the body promoting an oxygen/ozone super saturation in tissues, fluids and cells.

Immediate Results:

At the end of the session, you will feel relaxed and refreshed as you experience the wonderful effects of enhanced cellular immunity and increased metabolism. In addition, powerful detoxification process rids cells of toxins and oxidized debris, which are eliminated by the body through the skin.

will assist in the following

• Boosts energy levels and alertness
• Visibly removes toxins built up in the body's bloodstream, cells and tissues

• Heightens metabolism to reduce body fat and burns 200-450 calories per 20 minute session
• Catalyst to a faster recovery from injuries and strenuous exercises

• Increases effectiveness of physical therapy to expedite healing

• Eliminates cellulite by stimulating local circulation

• Reduces lactic acid build up to optimize peak performance for athletes/bodybuilders
• Relaxes and loosens muscles for increased flexibility

• Increases stamina and endurance
• Relieves stress and anxiety by relaxation and overall well-being
• Strengthens the immune system to help the body combat viruses

• Eliminates bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites without harming microorganisms
• Aids in the relief of respiratory conditions, asthma, allergies and bronchitis
• Enhances the assimilation of vitamin and protein supplements to increase health
• Restores oxygen that has been depleted by pollution, poor diet, stress, smoking and aging

• Completely hydrates the body's largest organ, the skin, giving it a more youthful, fresh appearance
• Stimulates vasodilatation of blood circulation to relieve pain in sore joints and arthritis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting...i would like to visit this spa and experience it...pls send me the complete details at